How did the Australian Jewish Left respond to the first wave of pro-Palestinian activism from 1967-75? By Professor Philip Mendes, November 2023
How did the Australian Jewish Left respond to the first wave of pro-Palestinian activism from 1967-75? By Professor Philip Mendes (Monash University), Australian Jewish Historical Society Journal, 26(3), November 2023, pp.363-379. Abstract During and following the 1967 Six Day War, many groups within the international Left abruptly shifted their position on the Middle East conflict…
Statement on Israel and Palestine Crisis by the Media, Arts and Entertainment Alliance, 6 November 2023
The Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) is appalled at the outbreak of violence unfolding across Israel, Palestine and the region. We grieve the unfathomable loss of life occurring amidst this crisis, including the killing of civilians, particularly children. We grieve for the workers who have been killed performing their jobs, including journalists, nurses, health…
Comment by Rabbi James Kennard, 6 November 2023
It’s usually improper for a school principal to disclose their political leanings, but in my case it is hardly a secret that I come from the Left. I have been a member of the UK Labour Party and of the ALP and I believe in a fairer distribution of wealth and power in society. But…
Statement by former Australian Prime Minister’s, 30 October 2023
We, as former Prime Ministers of Australia, acknowledge the success of our multicultural nation, which is built upon the shared Australian values and the respect we have for the diverse cultures and faiths of our fellow Australians. In our country, there is no place for racial or religious hatred, regardless of what may be happening…
Statement by the International Trade Union Confederation, 20 October 2023
We support the UN Secretary General’s position for a major humanitarian effort for the people of Gaza and others displaced since October 7. The Palestinian people, who have been living in very difficult conditions for years, should not have to pay for the current escalation. Just as the Israeli people should not live in fear…