The Apartheid Myth

Income from employment in Arab Israeli society grows faster than other sectors – study, The Times of Israel (Sharon Wrobel), 11 July 2024

As the government cuts funding for the integration of Arab Israelis, a study finds signs that the contribution of Arab society to economic growth has grown over the past decade. Over the past decade, the increased, albeit slow, integration of the Arab population into the Israeli work force has been one of the growth engines…

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Latest NewsThe Apartheid Myth

Amnesty tries to distort my Arab identity and dismantle Israel, Yoseph Haddad, The Jerusalem Post, 2 February 2022

Palestinians live under the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank or under the control of the terrorist group Hamas in Gaza. What of Israeli Arabs? As an Israeli Arab who grew up in Nazareth, Amnesty International’s recent report tries to distort my identity. The 211-page document constantly refers to an “apartheid” against “Palestinian citizens of…

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The Apartheid Myth

History made as Arab Israeli Ra’am party joins Bennett-Lapid coalition | The Times of Israel, 3 June 2021

The first Arab party to join a government in decades, Islamists make good on promise to seek change from inside, winning billions in promised state funding for community. Ringed by flashing cameras in a luxury hotel in Ramat Gan, conservative Islamist Ra’am chief Mansour Abbas made history on Wednesday night as the first Arab Israeli…

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