Australian Labor Party (Victorian Branch) State Conference – Resolution on Israel (5/5), 18 May 2024

End Military Co-operation with Israel Resolution. That State Conference resolves that the Victorian Labor Government should not renew the 2022 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between itself and the Israel Ministry of Defence (IMOD) and should end co-operation and investments with Israeli weapons companies. State Conference notes that, as of May 2024, the MOU has not…

Australian Labor Party (Victorian Branch) State Conference – Resolution on Israel (4/5), 18 May 2024

Illegal Settlements Israel’s settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories are illegal under international law and contravene the Geneva Convention. The transfer by the Occupying Power of parts of its civilian population into the territory it occupies, including the transfer of the population of the occupied territory, are grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions. These settlements…

Australian Labor Party (Victorian Branch) State Conference – Resolution on Israel (1/5), 18 May 2024

Justice for Palestine – Right to Self-Determination That State Conference resolves that Victorian Labor affirms the Palestinian people’s inalienable right to self-determination and calls on the Federal Labor Government to: Support the inalienable right of self-determination for the Palestinian people; Immediately recognise Palestine as a fully independent sovereign state within the term of this parliament;…