A huge percentage of the Australian Jewish community is descended from Holocaust survivors, in fact the 2nd highest percentage of a Jewish community, only exceeded by Israel.
These descendants shared their stories of survival with the 2nd and 3rd generation survivors. They told stories of the vandalising of Jewish shops and homes. The painting of the yellow Star of David on Jewish homes and institutions. And finally the burning of their Synagogues.
The Australian Jewish community learned through oral history not only of the perpetration of these hate crimes but the perpetration of the crime of complicity by those who knew that this was wrong and remained silent.
That is why William Cooper is revered by our Australian Jewish community. He was an indigenous Australian who spoke out against Crystal Night the night that Synagogues were also burned. The Jewish Holocaust survivors came to this great country to live their lives in peace and harmony where antisemitism was antithetical to the Aussie way of life.
They learned that Australians gave every new immigrant a fair go and an opportunity to flourish. The Jewish community embraced Australia and until recent times the Australian community embraced them. The Jewish community integrated into Australian society. They dreamed big dreams. They contributed to the arts, sciences, medicine, military, law, social services and business and much more. They have participated and enriched every part of Australian life.
However after 7 October we have witnessed the rise of horrific antisemitism in our country. Even before Israel commenced to defend itself. Our fellow australian Jewish community is now living in fear and apprehension. They are scared to walk our streets or attend their schools in uniform or visit their houses of prayer because of the appalling and disgusting perpetrators of antisemitism and hate.
A attack on Australians of Jewish heritage is an attack on all Australians. An attack on Australia. This is unAustralian. These are not our values. These rabid acts of wanton destruction have no place in our society.
As a nation we need to stand shoulder to shoulder with our Jewish community and embrace them, support them and speak out in their hour of need like William Cooper did in 1939 after Cristal Night.
The hostility to Israel has morphed into antisemitism and we need to call it out. leaders on all sides of politics continue to need to be united and committed to demonstrate that Australia is better than this.