Resolution of the Australian Labor Party (Victorian Branch), Recognition of the Palestinian State, 18 June 2023

That State conference resolves to congratulate Prime Minister Albanese and Foreign Minister Wong on the restoration of aid to the Palestinian people and the shifting of Australia’s vote at the UN on matters relating to Israel’s occupation of Palestine. That State Conference re-affirms the resolution carried at the 2018 and 2021 national conferences, and supports…

Policy on the democracy, totalitarianism in the Middle East, terrorism and Israel – Palestinian conflict adopted at the Congress of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), May 2015

Congress recognises and applauds the leadership role played by the ITUC in supporting the struggles of all democratic unions throughout the Middle East and North Africa, and the recent establishment of the ITUC-Arab regional organisation. The impact of Israeli- Palestinian conflict on the rights of all workers in the region and their families – Palestinians,…