Category: For the RecordPost navigationPreviousPrevious post:‘The Monash Soviet’ and Israel: A case study of how the Australian campus far left lost its way after the 1967 Six-Day War, Professor Philip Mendes, Fathom Journal, June 2021NextNext post:Labor attack on Israel is just wrong, says Penny Wong, The Australian, 9 June 2021Related PostsResolution adopted by the Australian Education Union (Victorian Branch) Conference, 20 July 2024Advertisement for an Australian Fabian Inc event, 25 June 2024Statement by Global Union Federations, 30 May 2024Australian Labor Party (Victorian Branch) State Conference – Resolution on Israel (5/5), 18 May 2024Australian Labor Party (Victorian Branch) State Conference – Resolution on Israel (4/5), 18 May 2024Australian Labor Party (Victorian Branch) State Conference – Resolution on Israel (3/5), 18 May 2024