AILD Innovation Mission 2016

We would like to extend you an invitation to join the AILD Labor Innovation Mission to Israel And Palestine 4-8 December 2016. Israel is second only to Silicon Valley in the number of startups and successful listings of startup companies. Our Mission is designed to find answers to how this is so and bring these…

Statement In Response To The Australian

STATEMENT IN RESPONSE TO THE AUSTRALIAN16 MARCH 2016 In a story published in The Australian today, John Lyons makes a tenuous suggestion that the Australia Israel Labor Dialogue is funded by Israeli arms manufacturer, Elbit. The AILD is not now, or has ever sought to be funded by Elbit or any other defence company, whether…

Beattie blasts ALP’s ‘Stalinist’ approach to Israel

Former Queensland premier Peter Beattie says the Labor Party risks becoming politically irrelevant over its “Stalinist” approach to Israel, which he argues has ­become an obsession. Mr Beattie described a proposed ban on politicians travelling to Israel on trips funded by Jewish organisations as an “extreme view” that would not help achieve a two-state solution,…

Israel’s friends in WA, Qld Labor

WESTERN Australia Labor will consider a motion condemning the wave of stabbing attacks against Israeli civilians and Palestinian Authority incitement next week. And in a further sign that the extreme anti-Israel leanings of figures such as former foreign minister Bob Carr and Freemantle MP Melissa Parke are the exception rather than the norm, the inaugural…

Australian Labor Party National Conference, 2015

Chapter 11: Australia’s place in changing world Labor supports an enduring and just two-state solution to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, based on the right of Israel to live in peace within secure borders internationally recognised and agreed by the parties, and reflecting the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people to also live in peace and security…

Parliamentary trips to Israel & Palestine – resolution of the Australian Labor Party Queensland Branch Conference, August 2015

Given Labor’s policy supports a two state solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict, Conference believes any party official or state or Federal MP receiving a subsidised trip to Israel must spend an equivalent time- day for day- speaking with Palestinians and investigating their condition in occupied Palestinian territories and/ or the Gaza Strip. 

Anti-BDS book launched by Melbourne academics, J-Wire News Service, 14 June 2015

Over 100 people packed into popular St Kilda bookstore ‘Readings’ to attend the launch of a noteworthy book, ‘Boycotting Israel is Wrong,’ authored by Monash University academics Philip Mendes and Nick Dyrenfurth. Shadow Justice Minister and Member for Batman David Feeney officiated the launch together with emcee Michael Borowick, Assistant Secretary of the ACTU. Opposition Leader…