Federal ALP slams Qld motion, The Australian Jewish News, 10 June 2021

Macnamara MP Josh Burns said the motion was “disappointing and blatantly one-sided”, but insisted, “it in no way represents federal Labor’s balanced policy in support of Israel”. A MOTION passed by the Queensland branch of the ALP panning Israel’s “systematic injustices meted out to the Palestinian people” has drawn condemnation from leading Labor politicians and…

Labor attack on Israel is just wrong, says Penny Wong, The Australian, 9 June 2021

Penny Wong says viewing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from one perspective ‘will not ­advance the cause of peace’. Opposition foreign affairs spokeswoman Penny Wong has condemned an anti-Israel res¬olution backed by Queensland Labor Party members, as Jewish groups have accused the Left ¬faction-dominated state branch of using “talking points disseminated by Hamas”. Senator Wong said viewing…

‘The Monash Soviet’ and Israel: A case study of how the Australian campus far left lost its way after the 1967 Six-Day War, Professor Philip Mendes, Fathom Journal, June 2021

For a half century, for good and for ill, Western universities have been incubating world views which go on to reshape mainstream opinion. Today’s global anti-Israel movement poses as a defender of internationalist values, but in practice demands a zero-sum solution based on creating a state of Palestine in place of Israel. It totally negates…