“Any lasting resolution to the Middle East conflict cannot be at the expense of either Palestinians or Israelis.” – Interview by The Australian Jewish News with Hon. Anthony Albanese MHR, Deputy Prime Minister of Australia, 11 July 2013

A member of Parliament since 1996, Albanese describes himself as a strong advocate of justice for the Palestinians, but he also played a major role in denouncing Marrickville Council’s failed attempt to adopt the global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel as policy in 2011, which he described to The AJN as a…

The Visit to Israel by Victorian State Labor MPs

At a function celebrating the return of 9 Victorian ALP State Parliamentarians from a recent study mission to Israel, Deputy Labor Leader, Hon James Merlino MLA, said that he understood and believed that “Israel is a triumph of the human spirit.” Merlino talked about the mission as confronting, beautiful, sobering and fascinating. He said a highlight was…

Hawke would have quit over Israel

GOUGH Whitlam, the prime minister who shines brightest in Labor’s pantheon, had an “immoral, unethical and ungrateful attitude” towards Israel, his nemesis Bob Hawke allegedly said. That revelation about Australia’s 1972-75 PM and Hawke, whose 1983-91 prime ministership was one of the most supportive of Israel, comes from a welter of diplomatic cables posted online…

Speech to the United Nations General Assembly – “Practical progress towards realising those ideals in the world”, Hon. Julia Gillard MHR, Prime Minister of Australia, New York City, 26 September 2012

Mr. President, congratulations on your election. You now preside over a forum for every voice – an Assembly of all people and nations – for no country or bloc to dominate solely or lead as one alone – where small and medium sized countries are truly heard. Australia welcomes your election warmly. The story of…